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HTTP Endpoints

HTTP endpoints return JSON. Live tracking data is delivered over WebSockets, while basic HTTP endpoints serve a number of supporting functions as documented below.

Units of measurement

The following units of measure are used in JSON responses where applicable:

Measurement Unit
Speed Knots
Depth Meters
Distance (old) Millimeters
Distance (new) Meters
Draft Meters
Temperature Celsius

All units of measure are represented as JSON numbers.

GET /tracks

Returns tracks driven:

    "tracks": [
            "track": 123,
            "trackName": "abc",
            "boat": 12,
            "boatName": "Her Highness",
            "points": 42,
            "duration": 3500,
            "distance": 1234,
            "topSpeed": 24.1,
            "avgSpeed": 23.2,
            "avgWaterTemp": 6.1,
            "topPoint": {
                "id": 123,
                "coord": {
                    "lng": 60.24,
                    "lat": 24.1
                "speed": 24.1

PUT /tracks/:track_name

Modifies the title of the given track:

    "title": "Evening boating"

Provide the track name in the URL.

PATCH /tracks/:track_id

Modifies the comments of the given track:

    "comments": "Rainy and delightful!"

GET /users/me

Returns user information including any boats:

    "user": {
        "id": 123,
        "username": "jack",
        "email": "",
        "boats": [
                "id": 12,
                "name: "Her Highness",
                "token": "abc123"
        "enabled": true,
        "invites": [
                "boat": {
                    "id": 15,
                    "name": "HMS Royal"
                "state": "awaiting"
        "friends": [
                "boat": {
                    "id": 14,
                    "name": "Titanic"
                "friend": {
                    "id": 123,
                    "email": ""
                "state": "accepted"

Key invites contains any boats you have been granted access. Key friends contains any boat permissions you have granted to other users. Key state is any of the following:

  • awaiting
  • accepted
  • rejected

PUT /users/me

Changes the user's language. Use the following payload:

    "language": "language_code_here"

The following language codes are supported:

Code Language
sv-SE Swedish
fi-FI Finnish
en-US English

POST /users/me

Use this endpoint to exchange an authorization code for an ID token. Provide the code in the JSON payload:

    "code": "abcd1234"

Returns an ID token:

    "email": "",
    "idToken": "abc.def.geh"

Provide the returned ID token in the Authorization header of subsequent requests.

POST /users/me/tokens

Refresh your ID token using this endpoint. Returns a refreshed ID token:

    "email": "",
    "idToken": "abc.def.geh"

Call this endpoint if other endpoints respond with HTTP 403.

PATCH /boats/:boat_id

Changes the name of the given boat:

    "boatName": "My Lady"

Obtain boat IDs using the /users/me endpoint above.

POST /users/notifications

Subscribes to push notifications:

    "token": "device_token",
    "device": "ios"

Key device must be one of:

Value Meaning
ios iOS token
android Android token

POST /users/notifications/disable

Unsubscribes from push notifications:

    "token": "device_token",

GET /routes/:srclat/:srclng/:destlat/:destlng

Returns the shortest route between two points along fairways. Provide the source and destination coordinates in the request.

Example request:

GET /routes/60.14729/24.85396/60.11478/24.87489

Example response:

    "from": {
        "lat": 60.14729290768696,
        "lng": 24.853965806435724
    "to": {
        "lat": 60.1147881804653,
        "lng": 24.87489090627807
    "totalCost": 5498.050648111757,
    "duration": 0.355,
    "route": {
        "cost": 4770.0589143530415,
        "links": [
                "cost": 0,
                "to": {
                    "lat": 60.149,
                    "lng": 24.8534
                "cost": 1400.7671712474576,
                "to": {
                    "lat": 60.137,
                    "lng": 24.8611
                "cost": 670.6786486135463,
                "to": {
                    "lat": 60.119,
                    "lng": 24.8702

The response contains the following items:

Key Type Meaning
totalCost Number Distance in meters from source to destination, including the distance from the provided coordinates to nearby fairways
route.cost Number Distance in meters along fairways
route.links Array The route as an array of hops along fairway points

POST /users/boats

Boat owners may invite other users to access the data of their boat:

To invite user 123 to access boat 14:

    "boat": 14,
    "email": ""

POST /invites/respond

Respond to an invite using the following JSON payload:

    "boat": 14,
    "accept": true

POST /invites/revoke

To revoke access from user to boat:

    "boat": 14,
    "user": 12

WebSocket /ws/updates

Clients (web, iOS, Android) receive live boat updates using this WebSocket endpoint. The JSON-formatted messages use the following general format:

    "event": "event_type_here",
    "body": { ... event-specific body goes here ... }

The following event types are used, with examples below:

Event Meaning
coords Updated coordinates for boats
vessels Updated AIS location data for vessels
ping Ping event (can be ignored)

Updated coordinates

Example JSON:

    "event": "coords",
    "body": {
        "coords": [
                "coord": {
                    "lng": 60.24,
                    "lat": 24.1
                "boatTime": "",
                "speed": 41.1,
                "waterTemp": 11.2,
                "depth": 5000
        "from": {
            "track": "123",
            "trackName": "abc",
            "trackTitle": "Nice ride",
            "canonical": "nice-ride",
            "boat:": "456",
            "boatName": "Amina",
            "username": "jack",
            "points": 42,
            "duration": 3500,
            "distance": 1234,
            "topSpeed": 24.1,
            "avgSpeed": 23.2,
            "avgWaterTemp": 6.1

Updated vessel locations

Example JSON:

    "event": "vessels",
    "body": {
        "vessels": [
                "mmsi": 123456,
                "name": "Amina",
                "shipType": 80,
                "coord": {
                    "lng": 60.24,
                    "lat": 24.1
                "sog": 9.8,
                "cog": 123.1,
                "draft": 8.7,
                "destination": "TALLINN",
                "eta": 12,
                "timestampMillis": 123456789,
                "timestampFormatted": ""

Ping event

Example JSON:

    "event": "ping",
    "body": {
        "sent": 123456789

WebSocket /ws/boats

Agents send NMEA 0183 sentences to the backend using this endpoint.

The JSON-formatted messages must be of the following format:

  "sentences": [

Provide the newest sentences last in the sentences array.

The server may send ping events to the agent over the socket at any time:

    "event": "ping",
    "body": {
        "sent": 123456789